1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

I first have to start off by saying how much of a blessing Julia is. I first met Julia at UMHB in an accounting class where not only did I get us in trouble a few times by talking, but also created an amazing study buddy and an even better friend. Julia, your heart is truly golden. You are kind, smart, sweet and above all, a true follower of our Lord. Now, when I met Julia, she was a Senior about to graduate but during that time and getting to know her, she expressed a huge passion to travel and to help others. Thus getting us here! You left on a mission trip to reach people's life in Australia and you never came back!
You met the one man who kept you from coming back to the U.S. and it was totally worth it. You both truly shine around each other. Your passion for the Lord is so rare and beautiful that I am so blessed I had the opportunity to capture such a special day! Thank you for showing everyone around you an endless amount of love and compassion. I hope there are more people like the two of you in this world... possibly a few children haha. I am so so happy for the two of you and this new adventure in life. We are not perfect but we are loved by a perfect and forgiving God. God definitely was shining down on you both and this beautiful day and will be for the rest of your lives together as a married couple.
Congratulations to you both!!